Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hari Berkasih Sayang

14 Februari 2011

Valentine's Day?

Means special, I think..

Yaa, You'll see many of flowers, chocolates will be bought, and special restaurant reserved by the lovers to celebrate it.. [But, flowers don't stay fresh forever, chocolate-for sure will be eaten, dinner at the restaurant-just a dinner, right?? Oo.. Maybe, the sweet and precious memories will always be remembered..]

Maybe, they feel that, it's a very very special date, special day to date and celebrate their special one.. In one special occasion.. Make their girlfriend or boyfriend (especially, girlfriend I guess) happy and loves them more and more and more.. Is it true??

My personal opinion is, I don't celebrate it.. Even that people keep saying that it is the right time to celebrate our relationship together.. Nope.. It may be cliche, but, for me, if you love someone, everyday is the best time to celebrate them.. Not only on 14th February.. But, everyday will be yours.. I don't know how to explain it, but, I do accept it if you want to make something special, as long as, you didn't do something else that totally wrong.. You know what.. :)

Hmm,, I never had this experience, so, it's quite hard for me to feel it by myself.. Is it really a very special date with our partner? Will our love everlasting? Will our relationship be much stronger? Syita, you don't have that sense... T____________T.. Eh, just remember!!Someone did wish you " Happy Valentine's Day", in Form 2 right? Aha, I didn't get that point on that time.. Just forget it.. ^^..

Most important, if you love someone, show your love to them, and don't ever make them frustrated or disappointed.. Never, ever.. Whenever you say " I LOVE YOU", make sure that you really meant it.. And you should know that, it's a very special words that have been waiting for by someone, especially, girls.. Don't make their heart broken - heartbroken... And girls, please, do not trust them easily, do not say that you love them easily, do not make youself fool!! Do not give everything that you have or you want to you boyfriend, just to prove how much you love them, because, they're unpredictable.. They may be changed, and you'll be suffered.. Trust me, be yourself, and love yourself more than them, cause they can change anytime, and when that time comes, you'll not suffer and you can face it, with a smile.. :).. Boys, you can use this term too..

BTW, it's your right, to celebrate or not to.. But, do remember, LOVE to The Almighty - Allah, families, friends, and yourself are the important.. Love, it's too subjective..

-Hey, is there anybody wanna give me choc?? :p
-Never have any date...

10.48 pm
13 February 2011

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